Quite frankly, I'm still not sure how I feel about this...I'm not OLD enough to be a grandma. My daughter is not old enough to be a mother for that matter - I just brought her home from the hospital a few months ago! Ok, its been nearly 23 years but it seems like yesterday at times.
And wrapped up in all of this is my own angst, I don't know what a grandmother looks like. My own mom died long before I had children - and I don't know what to do. What if I mess things up? What if the world that I am part of isn't good enough for my grand son? What if I can't protect him from the hurts and pains of life?
Deep breath...ready or not there will be a new addition to the family in the next 24 hours. A little baby boy who already has a name: Zayden Michael.
Welcome to the world Zayden Michael Loonsfoot. I can't make a whole lot of promises other than I will love you lots - and give you a cookie whenever you want one - cause I think that's what grandmas are supposed to do.
Peace, hope and joy,
Deborah aka 'grandma'