I didn't give up anything for Lent. I ate a chocolate bar last week. I had fried chicken for dinner last night. I'm not even reading the books that I set aside to read during these 40 days of Lent, a time that has traditionally been set aside for introspection and penitence.
Instead, I'm reading novels. NOVELS!
I haven't read a novel since...well, before Christmas. When I walk by Mary, our Administrative Assistant's, desk I will often take a caramel, or Tootsie Roll or (gasp) a Hershey's Kiss! I'm even planning on taking some vacation time - in the middle of Lent - what am I thinking?!? Oooo, here's something else - I still use real butter, eat processed foods, and meat on Fridays. And I stayed in bed till after 9 this morning. (ok, if I'm really confessing it was after 10 till I got up and moving).
And I'm ok with it.
Its not that I don't believe in fasting, I do. Its not that I am being cavalier about the season of Lent, I'm fully aware of the many ways that people of faith have used the season of Lent to focus on Christ's life, death and resurrection.
Its just that, well, I'm tired. And after walking alongside 6 different families who have faced the death and funerals of loved ones since Christmas - I am tired of dwelling in darkness. I have been in the tomb a number of times here lately and I want to live in the light and hope of the resurrection for a while.
We ARE resurrection people. This is why Sundays aren't included in Lenten countdown - they are 'mini-Easters' and are to be celebrated as each Sunday is, as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. And the reality is that Lent is not meant to be a time to be miserable and sad in preparation for Good Friday.
I honestly couldn't continue doing what I do without the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit! I also know that one of the most important things that I can do for myself and the folks I walk alongside is, well, I need to take care of myself.

Whether you personally have given something up for Lent or taken something new on - it is my prayer that during Lent you are drawn closer to God's love and the community you are a part of...oh and for some fun watch the movie "Chocolat". It's a real treat with a powerful message about the season of Lent!
peace, love in Christ,