The biggest challenge is that not only are my feet different sizes (which is normal - kinda) but there really aren't all that many option for gals with larger feet...this has not stopped me from scouting out stores and finding some real treasures. I especially like our local shoe store, Thompson's, because they carry Clark's, my favorite brand of shoes.

Well, here's the problem...I fear I may have gone a bit overboard. I mean really, how many pairs of shoes does a gal really need??? I have been a wise shopper, I have opted for comfort much of the time, although.....there is a red pair I had to have and I only pull them out for special occasions (for those into the liturgical seasons of the year - think Pentecost!).
Usually I buy my heels off the sales rack - for a fraction of the price, but in doing so I take a chance on whether or not they will work once put to the test. I have found through natural selection that some shoes really aren't as comfortable as I first thought they'd be after standing (and walking around) in them for 3-4 hours on a Sunday morning. And the reality is, I am 49 and holding - so comfort is important to me! So, here I am, with too many pairs of shoes and the realization that I should give them a new home where they will be appreciated!
WHICH gets me to the point of this post (finally)...

This is the one time each year when we focus on gathering clothes for Trinkets and Togs, a tremendous thrift store that is part of the Larrabee Center, an organization dedicated to helping people with special needs here in Waverly. Trinkets and Togs is a favorite of many folks, and I know that your donations of clothing will find a good home on the racks of the store and in the closets of Bremer and Butler County!
I figure this is a great way to thin out my shoe rack (and closet) and a tremendous way to help our neighbors...I hope you will consider doing the same!
journeying together in Christ's name,