The 'Pixie' Kindergarten |
When I was a little girl I always had very straight hair, and I always wore it down. I remember once traveling with my family in the station wagon and my mom putting it up in spit curls, literally...but seldom did I do anything fancy. Unlike my daughters, who wore their hair in pony tails much of their teenage years, I went for a more simple wash and go look.
1985 perm |
For high school graduation I braided my hair in lots of little braids and then let it out for the big event. It was quite poofy! I am so glad that was before Facebook! Once I was in college I went from long to short to long again and then I got it permed! Gotta love the 80's, though I never did the really big hair thing. Through the years I have continued to zig zag with various changes in color, length and style.
In December I tried a perm again, for the first time in over 20 years - and I love it! I have also grown my hair out and I wear it up in a french twist several days a week. For the first time I am enjoying styling my hair. I must be a slow learner.
Today this headline made me wonder what is going on in the world?!!???
Say what? I mean really...what college student would really and truly get his hair cut like this guy - except under duress? Sigh...I know this sounds trivial, but I wonder why this world leader would even want to force young men to copy his look? What's interesting is that the North Korean government would care at all about hair styles.
The article, from the BBC states; "until now people were reportedly only allowed to choose from 18 styles for women and 10 for men. Earlier, North Korea's state TV launched a campaign against long hair, called "Let us trim our hair in accordance with the Socialist lifestyle"."
Oh my!
When we get right down to it what is required of us? Of a people who live together a in society so that it can function well?
As Christians we are called to follow the words of Jesus: 'Love God, Love one Another.' Another guiding passage for Judeo-Christians is Micah 6:8: 'He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.'
As Americans, I wonder could such a thing happen to us? I like to think not, we have this whole independent streak in us...but somewhere in between are folks trying to figure out a balance between conformity and individuality and that includes how we present ourselves to others.
perm 2014 |
I guess the best we can hope for is acceptance of who we are, as beloved children of God, and acceptance of others who are likewise created in God's image. Even Kim Jong-un. I just wonder what's going to happen when he changes his mind and decides to go for a new look?