Today I lucked up!! A handful of tomatoes will be just right with tonight's dinner. Truth is as I was looking through the vines I couldn't resist...as anyone knows - tomatoes really are best right off the vine! As I bit into a beautiful Roma tomato the Doxology came to mind:
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
And so I give thanks....
for the beauty of the earth,
for fresh veggies,
for the hard work of all of those who donate their time to cultivate the garden,
and to God for being so creative.
Fresh tomatoes right out of the garden sure do taste amazing!!
Go grow something - and if you're in Waverly and have some time - stop by the Friends and Neighbors community garden. Check out the beautiful produce, pull a few weeds while you're at it and enjoy the beauty of God's good creation.
Peace, love in Christ,
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